Useful information
Earthquake and Tsunami information and Notification:
Tsunamis and earthquakes are a real threat on our coast. This PDF covers Emergency Service's tsunami notification system and provides resources for guides to stay up to date with any relevant tsunami information.
Behavioural, low-impact travel, and incident management information for large animals in our wilderness.
Packing List:
This checklist for guides includes all equipment items both required and suggested by the SKGABC. This is a helpful tool to make sure you don’t forget anything.
Emergency Contact List:
This document covers important emergency phone numbers and local radio channels for all major areas of the BC coast. (*This list is not a substitute for your own research and emergency preparations.)
Reports and Studies:
SKGABC participates in studies that involve the Tourism industry in BC, safety on our coast (i.e. Lighthouse de-staffing) and the ecology of our coastal environment. Find reports from such studies and initiatives here.
Guide logs:
An important part of certification is maintaing a log of experience. The SKGABC asks certified guides to submit copies of their logged days on an annual basis.
BC Marine Trails Map:
A helpful planning resource tool.