Mission Statement

To establish, promote and maintain high standards of sea kayaking safety, conduct, and representation through an alliance of professionals.

Note on Operating Standards

The below minimum standards are based on best practices of experience professional sea kayak guides, a higher level of care may be required when conditions or clientele warrant. The SKGABC makes no guarantee that meeting these standards will ensure a safe trip. Companies and guides share the responsibility of operating their trips according to the statute laws and regulations of the land, and where required by the standards of professional associations of which they are members. Standards are not a substitution for federal and/or provincial laws, experience or due diligence. It is therefore imperative that guides have a clear understanding and agreement of responsibilities with the company they are guiding for.

Guide to Client Ratios and Group Size Limits      Trip Classifications      Guide Certification      

Safety Equipment    Water Classification Maps      Infectious Diseases Policy      

 SKGABC Grievance Process

Operating Procedures

  • All members shall uphold the Constitution and comply with the policies, By-Laws, Code of Ethics, and Operating Standards of the SKGABC.
  • All members agree to abide by all pertinent local, provincial and federal laws and regulations, including Transport Canada Vessel Regulations for Guided Excursions.
  • All members who are employers agree to employ guides who are certified to lead in waters appropriate to the trip classifications.
  • All trips must have a comprehensive emergency and evacuation plan.
  • All members who are employers must ensure that each trip and/or trip area has a written contingency plan for the guide to refer to in the event of unforeseen circumstances other than an emergency.
  • All members agree to the responsible use of our wilderness resources, including Low Impact Best Practices, and will strive to leave areas visited in the same or better condition than when they arrived.
  • All members agree to ensure that clients travel together within easy vocal and visual communication range of the guides, and that clear communication protocols are established with all clients prior to travel.
  • No guide shall be penalized for adhering strictly to SKGABC standards.

SKGABC Guide to Client Ratios and Group Size Limits

All guides as counted for ratio purposes are required to be appropriately certified SKGABC Guides (or guides with equivalent certification recognized by the SKGABC) to lead or assist in the appropriate trip classifications.Operators should be aware of other operating standards that are required by government agencies (i.e. Parks Canada Operating Standards), some of which require alternate guide to client ratios or maximum group sizes. For questions regarding SKGABC guide to client ratios and group size limits contact info@skgabc.com

Trip Classification Doubles Only* Singles Only Singles & Doubles**/*** Maximum Group Size
Class 1 and 2 1:6 or 2:12 1:4 or 2:8 1:5 or 2:10 14
Class 3 1:4 or 2:10 1:4 or 2:8 1:5 or 2:10 12
Class 4 1:4 or 2:8 1:2 or 2:4 1:3 or 2:6 10
Class 4 Restricted 1:4 or 2:10 1:4 or 2:8 1:5 or 2:10 12

Ratios are guide/s to guest/s. Maximum Group Size includes total number of guides and guests.

  • *At least 1 guide must be in a single kayak and all guests must use double kayaks at all times.

  • **At least 1 guide must be in a single kayak at all times and there must be a minimum of 1 double kayak for trips of 5 

    or less guests and a minimum of 2 double kayaks with 6 to 10. If fewer double kayaks are used then the “Singles Only” ratio and group size limits apply.
  • ***At least 1 guide must be in a single kayak at all times and there must be a minimum of 1 double kayak for trips of 5 or less guests and a minimum of 2 double kayaks with 6 to 10. If fewer double kayaks are used then the "Singles Only" ratio and group size limits apply. ***Unless it is a SKGABC guide training course, where the use of doubles is at the discretion of the Guide Trainer/s and the "Singles Only" ratio may be increased to 1:5.
  • Class 4 Restricted ratios only apply in the case of trips where guests are properly dressed for immersion, vetted for certification and/or experience (have an approved paddling resume that shows competency in rough water paddling including current, swell and surf and multiple rescue techniques). At minimum, assistant guides must be SKGABC certified Level 3 Guides.

Note: Operators should be aware of other operating standards that are required by government agencies (i.e. Parks Canada Operating Standards) and may require alternate guide to client ratios or maximum group sizes.

Trip Classifications

Set by the most difficult part of the trip. See Classification Maps for details.

  • Class 1: Gentle tours in non-challenging protected waters with limited wind effect, little or no current, easy landings, and ready access to land based assistance.
  • Class 2: Tours in lightly populated areas with short crossings, moderate potential wind effects, gentle to moderate non-turbulent currents, easy to moderate landings and light surf beaches.
  • Class 3: Exposed water, sparsely populated areas with more committing crossings, moderate to strong currents with turbulence, moderate to strong wind effects, ocean swells, difficult landings, surf-beaches.
  • Class 4: Long committing crossings, uninhabited, rugged and exposed coast, strong turbulent currents, strong wind effects, large swells, difficult landings, exposed surf beaches.

Guide Certification

  • Level 1 Guide: Certified to lead day trips independently in Class 1 waters. Certified to lead day trips in Class 2 waters when in direct communication to on-site/base manager*.  Must log 10 days of experience with a more experienced guide before leading day trips independently.
  • Assistant Overnight Guide: As per Level 1 guide plus assist a Level Two or Three guide on overnight trips in Class 1, 2, and 3 waters. An AOG in direct communication with a Mothership Vessel may independently lead day trips in Class 2 waters only after logging 30 days assisting with another guide.**
  • Level 2 Guide: Certified to lead in Class 1 and 2 waters and assist in Class 1, 2, and 3 waters. May assistant-teach a Level 1 or AOG course under the approval and supervision of a Guide Trainer or Examiner delivering the program.
  • Level 3 Guide: Certified to lead in Class 1, 2, 3 waters. May assistant-teach a Level 1 or AOG course under the approval and supervision of a Guide Trainer or Examiner delivering the program.
  • Class 4 Waters Endorsement: Certified to lead in Class 1,2,3 and 4 waters and may assistant-teach a Level 1 or AOG course under the approval and supervision of a Guide Trainer or Examiner delivering the program.
  • Guide Trainer: Certified as per a Level 3 guide plus may deliver courses and examine Level 1 and Assistant Overnight guides.
  • Level 2 Guide Examiner: Certified as per a Level 3 Guide and Guide Trainer plus may examine on Level 2 exams.
  • Level 3 Guide Examiner: Certified as per a Level 3 Guide and Guide Trainer plus may examine on Level 2 and Level 3 exams.

*On-site/base refers to any staging area that has direct land based access to medical help.

**Mothership Vessels, by their very nature, have the ability to venture further from conventional assistance and therefore warrant a higher level of experience on the part of the guide.

Safety Equipment

It is the responsibility of companies to provide kayaks and equipment in good working order and appropriate fit that meet the requirements of intended use plus meet Canadian Coast Guard Small Vessel Regulations. Visit Transport Canada’s website for up to date regulations. In addition to any equipment required by law, the following are standard equipment for all trips:

  • Government approved PFD per person must be worn.
  • A minimum of one full spare kayak paddle per guide.
  • Each person to carry a sound signaling device (e.g. whistle).
  • Bailing device per cockpit (e.g. pump).
  • Spray skirt for each cockpit in a closed kayak.
  • Towline per guide (readily accessible).
  • A complete and appropriate first aid kit (consider emergency response time, first aid training, and anticipated conditions).
  • Emergency communication equipment (VHF, HF, cellular phone, satellite phone, waterproofed and easily accessible). It is the responsibility of the company and the trip guides to ensure that this equipment is appropriate and fully operational along the intended route. Spare battery pack(s) for communication equipment.
  • Capacity to receive marine weather info.
  • Emergency shelter for the group (e.g. a tarp)
  • Three flares per guide, readily accessible with access to at least two types, (parachute, multi-star, hand-held, etc).
  • Sufficient buoyancy to allow boats to be re-entered and paddled when awash.
  • A comprehensive kayak and equipment repair kit.
  • Each guide to carry navigational equipment suitable for dealing with sudden loss of visibility.

Water Classification Maps

Note: On all water classification charts if a water classification boundary is crossed then the Classification is upgraded to the next level (i.e. if you paddle across the Strait of Georgia it would be considered Class III, not Class II).

Complete up to date water classification charts

 Infectious Diseases Policy for SKGABC Guiding and Events

The SKGABC has adopted the following two documents to guide members in guiding and training during the COVID-19 pandemic: 

1.     Infectious Diseases Safety Plan for SKGABC Guide Exchanges, Employees and Level 2 and Level 3 Exams

2.     The Sea Kayaking COVID-19 Best Practices Manual (for all professional sea kayaking)

SKGABC Grievance Process

SKGABC members, employers, members of the public may submit written grievances to the SKGABC if a certified SKGABC guide member is alleged to have displayed unethical, illegal, unprofessional, unsafe, or unfair practices violating the SKGABC Operating Standards, By-Laws, or Code of Ethics. 

The SKGABC takes all grievances against its members seriously. 

Grievance Reporting