Certification Transfers
The SKGABC upholds high standards of qualification for all of its guide certification levels. Candidates progress through training and certification exams from Level 1 to AOG, Level 2, Level 3, and may go on to gain additional qualifications including Guide Trainer, Guide Examiner, and Class 4 Waters Endorsement.
Read more about levels of certification.
Highly qualified individuals with professional kayak guiding certification and experience from an outside agency may apply to the SKGABC Certification Committee for permission to challenge an SKGABC Level 2, or Level 3 exam. Successful applications to challenge an SKGABC exam from an outside agency are rare, and are only approved for individuals found by the Certification Committee to be "of undisputed competence". More information on such applications can be found below.
SKGABC exams are challenging -- physically and mentally -- even for experienced, approved outside candidates who have never taken an SKGABC-specific training program. For those rare outside challenge candidates, reading up on the SKGABC manual and exam preparation documents, attending an SKGABC Exchange to brush up on skills and systems, taking an exam prep course if one is offered, and getting plenty of practice performing rescues and rough water skills are highly recommended for successful completion of the exam.
The SKGABC does not grant automatic certification at any level; we personally examine all of our candidates. Any certification achieved through these exceptions must be gained through successful completion of an SKGABC exam
Sea Kayak Certification and Guiding Agency Certifications
Individuals holding another outside agency's certification (e.g. BCU, ACSKG, NZKI) may put together an application to the SKGABC Certification Committee for permission to challenge a L2 or L3 exam. The Executive Director will be your contact person and support you in your application.
- Complete initial SKGABC Membership Application, and submit $110 certification committee application fee*
- Email the Executive Director at info@skgabc.com with what level exam you would like to challenge, and copies of the following documentation:
- all outside agency kayaking certifications
- ROC-M license (VHF radio operator license)
- Current CPR-C
- Current First Aid Certification, according to what level exam you wish to challenge:
- For Level 1 Guide: minimum 16 hr First Aid
- For AOG & Level 2: minimum 40 hr Wilderness First Aid
- For Level 3: minimum 80 hr Wilderness First Aid
- Cover letter and resume outlining your professional and personal kayak guiding experience, and explaining why and how you have all the appropriate experience and training to be able to challenge the exam.
- Your logbook in SKGABC format, showing commercial guiding experience according to what level exam you wish to challenge (see: certification requirements)
- 2 letters of reference from your supervisors/employers in a kayak guide capacity who support your application.